Cell Phone Booster for Metal Buildings

Parking garages are notorious for having poor cell signal. Virtually everyone is familiar with this fact. Fortunately for Canadians everywhere, there's a simple way to eliminate this problem and get that reception up to a usable level. The Fusion5X 2.0 from SureCall Canada.
"Designed for mid-sized commercial buildings, large residences, and ideal for underground parkades in urban centers, the SureCall Fusion5X 2.0™ is a cell phone booster for metal buildings that increases voice, text, 3G, & 4G LTE signals for all Canadian cell carriers. Configurable for all indoor environments, the Fusion5X 2.0 reduces dropped & missed calls and improves 4G LTE data speeds to ensure everyone has a reliable connection to their mobile device."
The Fusion5X 2.0 is designed with customization in mind. Whether you intend to use it in a commercial building, large home, or underground parkade, this booster can be purchased with 3 different kit options: Yagi/Dome, Yagi/Panel, and Yagi/4 Domes. This versatility makes sure that your space - no matter what it looks like - is properly covered.

But parking garages in the city is truly where this booster excels. No more dropped calls as you pull into the parking structure. Continuous signal from entrance to exit, despite thick concrete and multiple levels. This is the #1 poor signal solution for underground parkade solutions in Canada.
We get a lot of inquiries about signal boosters in underground parkades and commercial buildings. Here are answers to 14 of the most frequently asked questions.
13 Important Questions About Commercial Cell Phone Signal Boosters
Why do my calls drop when I walk into my building or drive into the parking garage?
The culprits here are building materials. Concrete, low-E glass, stone, and steel are what many commercial buildings and parking structures are made of. And all of these things cause problems for cellular wavelengths and other radio frequency signals.

Why are cell signals negatively affected by Low-E glass and window tint?
Have you heard of low-E glass? The "e" stands for emissivity. It's a particular kind of glass commonly used in the construction of commercial buildings. It is metallic, transparent, and has a microscopic thin coating that reflects infrared and ultraviolet radiation. It's designed to decrease the amount of heat (waves in the infrared spectrum) that gets into the building. The problem is that the infrared spectrum is also where cellular signals lie. So this glass is blocking cell signals as well as heat. High-security buildings are often built with heavy-duty low-E glass that is specially created to block radio frequency signals.
What can be done in a metal building to increase cell signal?
Metal buildings - the familiar nemesis of cell signals everywhere - should always consider installing a signal booster system to fix this problem. It's the most effective solution. Always consider the square footage of the area that needs boosting. This will be the main factor that determines what booster system you go with.

Why can some of my co-workers make calls in our building but I can't?
The issue is likely due to something simple like your position in the building compared to your friend. Or it's because of carrier frequency.
- If you work in the underbelly of the building (underground on a lower floor) and your co-worker works on a higher floor, reception is probably going to be better for them. How close you are to the center of the building also affects signal quality. The closer you are to the outside walls, the better the signal is likely to be.
- Carrier frequency also plays a role in signal quality. Rogers, Telus, And Bell, for example, all use different cell frequencies operating on varying MHz. The higher the frequency, the harder it is for that signal to penetrate building materials. This is relevant here because let's say your co-worker's network operates on an 1800 MHz while yours operates on an 800 MHz. You're going to have a less reliable signal inside your building if this is the case.

Why won't the carriers just fix the signal problems in the underground parkade?
Cell carriers aren't really in the business of addressing everyone's reception issues on an individual basis. However, every carrier is constantly making efforts to increase their coverage on a national level to the tune of billions of dollars. And these efforts most definitely affect you and your location. It's very likely that over time areas of Canada that have poor signal will eventually get better.
Which building integration company should I choose to set up the commercial booster system?
You have many choices on that front. Here are some important questions to address before choosing a company to provide and install a system in your building. (Note: SureCall meets all of these requirements. But it's still worth laying these all out for you.)

What's their experience level?
We recommend going with a company with a long and proven track record of successful commercial installations. These booster systems are much more involved than what you install in your home on your own. Commercial systems require custom design and professional involvement.
Are they sincerely engaging with you when discussing your needs?
When you speak with their representative, is it a one-sided conversation with you doing most of the talking? Or are they asking questions in a confident and professional way and presenting solutions? Basically what we mean is does it sound like they know what they're talking about? Also, make sure you're asking them about customer service, processes, technology, system design; things like that. If you feel good about their responses, that's a good sign.

What kind of support do they provide?
You need to confirm they provide long-term support; support that lasts long after the installation has been completed. Years in the future, you'll need to discuss warranty issues, repairs, upgrades, etc with them.
Do I have to pay for it to be installed? Why can't I just do it myself?
There may be some circumstances where you don't need a professional installer. But of course, this would mean that you have experience doing this kind of thing. If you don't, we do not recommend installing a commercial signal booster system yourself. There are too many variables involved with this type of system compared to home boosters. If it's not done correctly, it won't function properly or give you the results you're hoping for. Even if you feel like you could do it yourself, we still don't recommend it. Call and talk to us about it and we'll see together what the best course of action is.
Will a commercial signal booster system cover the entire parking garage?
That depends on the square footage you're talking about. Each SureCall booster is designed with a particular square footage potential. These numbers are found on the device's product page online or directly on the packaging. But not every user in every scenario is going to be able to achieve maximum coverage distance as stated. Things like the strength of the existing signal, booster gain, concrete walls, the number of coax cables or splitters involved during the installation, and a handful of other things can affect the end result that the booster system is able to achieve.

The point we're making here is that after an official site survey by the company you choose to install your booster system, they should be able to calculate exactly what your signal strength will be. Not a rough estimate. Firm numbers. If they can't, we consider this a red flag.
Will 2 booster systems be better than 1?
In some situations, yes. But that is a decision to be made by a booster system professional and the customer together. A circumstance where this might be considered would likely involve a single-story, long rectangular building. In a structure like this, an amplifier on both ends of the building could be in order. And there are some buildings out there that just really unusual. Consult a professional if you think your building is peculiar enough that it could possibly need a dual-booster system.
Even with a signal booster in my underground parkade, will calls still drop sometimes?
Probably not. As long as the booster system is carrier agnostic, dropped calls should be a thing of the past. Carrier agnostic means that all major Canadian networks are amplified by the booster rather than just one specific network. Also, depending on your garage's location, reception can still be affected by things like large outdoor gatherings nearby. Stadiums and other large outdoor gatherings in the direct vicinity can temporarily affect reception, even with a commercial booster system installed.

Do cell phone boosters for metal buildings have access restrictions?
Most commercial booster systems don't have settings like this. The reason is that they work in virtually the same way as cell towers. Your local cell towers can't discriminate user access and neither can the booster system in your building. You really don't need to worry about this, though. Commerical building materials do a really good job of keeping the boosted signal inside your building.
How do I know for sure if my space is compatible with a commercial booster system?
Rest assured that your space is compatible. The only reason why a booster system wouldn't work properly in a commercial space is because of incorrect installation. This is why we stress hiring an experienced and qualified team to not only install your system but design it, as well. Not every underground parkade is laid out the same. Not every commercial building is the same, either. At SureCall Canada, we make sure your system is designed and installed to perfectly fit the intended space.
Bad Call Reception In Parking Garages - Conclusion
If you want to increase the cell signal in your underground parkade or commercial building, reach out to us at SureCall Canada. We'll make sure you get answers to all your questions. The Fusion5X 2.0 will add convenience and service to every person pulling into your parking garage.