Cell Phone Signal Booster for Cabins, Cottages, and Camps
Designed for exceptional rural performance, SureCall’s award-winning cell booster for remote cabins, cottages, and camps increase voice, text, and 4G LTE data signals for all Canadian carriers, including Bell, Rogers, SaskTel, and Telus. Stay connected further and boost all mobile devices with SureCall’s line of powerful cottage booster kits that were built to perform at the edge of the network. 
Flare's easy-to-install base unit boosts signal in 1 - 2 rooms of a small cottage. The highest cellular uplink power on the market helps users connect at the very edge of the network. Kit includes outdoor yagi antenna and 50 ft of RG-6 cable.
Part number: SC-Flare3CA
No product
Fusion Professional 2.0 – Large Cottage
An industry-first and only 5G capable. As SureCall's most popular cell phone signal booster for remote cabins and cottages, Fusion Professional 2.0 was upgraded with double the uplink power in cellular bands to help connect at the very edge of the network. Kit includes yagi antenna, panel antenna, 50 ft of SC400 cable, and 20 ft of SC-240 cable.
Part number: SC-FusionProCA
As a best practice, if you can make and hold a phone call outside on the property, a cell phone signal booster for cottages will work at your location. Once the leaves are on the trees, please confirm the steps below before purchase:
1) Can you reliably make a mobile voice call within 20 ft of your cabin? If yes, the signal booster will work.
If NO:
2) Reliably send & receive texts within 20 ft of your cabin? If yes, the booster will work with limited coverage.
If NO:
3) Reliably make & receive texts when standing on the roof of your cabin? If yes, coverage will be very limited.
If NO: Unfortunately, a retail cellular booster solution is not recommended.

SureCall makes cell phone signal boosters for camping and other remote locations that won’t let you down. Finding an outdoor location with consistent signal that the antenna can capture is important and will improve performance. For max results, mount the outdoor antenna at least 30 total feet from the booster and as high as possible outside. If a longer cable run is needed, RG-11 low-loss coax cable is recommended.

Aiming the Yagi Antenna: Reach out to us regarding SureCall's Tower Tool that helps locate nearby towers. Or grab a friend and have them stand near the base unit with a phone. Slowly rotate the antenna, stopping every 45 degrees or so. Mount the antenna aimed in the direction that showed the best signal on the phone.
For more information on advanced installations, please see our SureCall Advanced Installation Guide.